Invited plenary talks at large international conferences and workshops
- 3rd Novi Sad Workshop on Foundations of Computer Science (NSFOCS), 2024, Novi Sad, Serbia
- Fulkerson 100: A Workshop in Celebration of Ray Fulkerson's 100th birthday, 2024, Waterloo, Canada
- Kolloquium über Kombinatorik 2023 (Kolkom'23), Heidelberg, Germany
- 29th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians with EMS, 2023, Aalborg, Denmark
- 30th workshop Cycles and Colourings 2022, Nový Smokovec, Slovakia
- Workshop on Graph Theory and Combinatorics in Memory of Robin Thomas 2022, Atlanta, United States
- 8th Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms and Applications 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
- Third Southwestern German Workshop on Graph Theory 2022, Heidelberg, Germany (on-line)
- 9th Cracow Conference on Graph Theory 2022, Rytro, Poland
- 43rd Australasian Combinatorics Conference 2021 (ACC), Melbourne, Australia (on-line)
- 9th Workshop on Graph Classes, Width Parameters and Optimization 2019 (GROW), Vienna, Austria
- 27th British Combinatorial Conference 2019 (BCC), Birmingham, United Kingdom
- 9th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory 2019, Bled, Slovenia
- 54th International Czech and Slovak Conference Graphs 2019, Čingov, Slovakia
- 31st Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, 2019, Orlando, FL, United States
- 10th International Colloquium on Graph Theory and Combinatorics (ICGT'18), Lyon, France
- SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2018 (SIAM DM'18), Denver, CO, United States
- 18th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms 2017 (RSA'17), Gniezno, Poland
- Structure in Graphs and Matroids (SIGMA), 2017, Waterloo, ON, Canada
- Shanks Workshop: 29th Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, 2017, Nashville, TN, United States
- Bordeaux Graph Workshop (BGW'16), 2016, Bordeaux, France
- Discrete Mathematics Days, 2016, Barcelona, Spain
- International Workshop on Graph Decompositions, 2015, Marseille, France
- 2014 International Workshop on Structure in Graphs and Matroids, Princeton, NJ, United States
- Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Graphs 2013, Bertinoro, Italy
- 22nd Workshop '3in1' 2013, Kroczyce, Poland
- Utrecht Graphs Workshop 2013, Utrecht, Netherlands
- Graph Theory at Georgia Tech 2012 (GTAGT'12), Atlanta, United States
- Kolloquium über Kombinatorik 2011 (Kolkom'11), Magdeburg, Germany
- Joint Mathematical Conference CSASC 2011, Krems, Austria
- 6th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications 2011 (Eurocomb'11), Budapest, Hungary
- 18th workshop Cycles and Colourings 2009, Tatranská Štrba, Slovakia
- 35th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'09), Montpellier, France
- 43th International Czech and Slovak Conference Graphs 2008, Zadov, Czech Republic
Tutorial series
- Flag Algebras Summer School, 2023, Ames, IA, United States
- Cracow Summer School in Discrete Mathematics, 2022, Kraków, Poland
- Summer School: Graphs, Groups, Stochastic Processes, 2022, Budapest, Hungary
- Algomanet School 2020, Brno, Czech Republic
- 9th PhD Summer School in Discrete Mathematics, 2019, Rogla, Slovenia
- Open lectures for PhD students in computer science, 2018, Warsaw, Poland
- International Research School on Graph Limits, 2018, Lyon, France
- São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization, 2016, São Paulo, Brazil
- 5th Polish Combinatorial Conference, 2014, Będlewo, Poland
- IX Escuela de Verano en Matemáticas Discretas 2014, Valparaíso, Chile
- LMS-EPSRC Durham Symposium "Graph Theory and Interactions" 2013, Durham, United Kingdom
- Recent advances in the theory of directed graphs, 2013, Oléron, France
- CCOSA Fall School 2011, Beroun, Czech Republic
Colloquium talks
- Math & Stats Department Colloquium, University of Victoria, Canada (May 2024)
- Colloquium Foundation of Computer Science, TU Graz, Austria (February 2024)
- Joint Mathematics Colloquium (ICMAT-UAM-UC3M-UCM), Madrid, Spain (June 2023)
- Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (February 2023)
- Felix Klein Colloquium, Leipzig University, Germany (January 2023)
- School of Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (August 2019)
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (March 2019)
- Pure Maths Colloquium, University of Southampton, United Kingdom (February 2019)
- Computer Science Colloquium, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (October 2018)
- Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic (March 2018)
- Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, Sweden (March 2018)
- Computer Science Colloquium, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (December 2016)
- Mathematics Colloquium, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (November 2015)
- School of Mathematics and ACO, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States (November 2015)
- Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University, Ames, United States (April 2015)
- Prague Computer Science Seminar, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic (October 2014)
- Warwick Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, United Kingdom (October 2013)
- Department of Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea (December 2012)
- Mathematics Colloquium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, United States (March 2012)
- Mathematisches Kolloquium, Universität Rostock, Germany (November 2011)
- Mathematics Colloquium, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (January 2010)
- Computer Science Colloquium, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (April 2009)
- Colloquium of Computer and Information Science Department, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, United States (May 2006)
Other invited talks at conferences and workshops
- Introductory Workshop - Graph Theory: Extremal, Probabilistic and Structural, 2025, Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath), Berkeley, CA, United States
- 2nd Structural Graph Theory Workshop (STWOR), 2024, Chęciny, Poland
- ICALP Adjoint Homomorphism Counting Workshop, 2023, Paderborn, Germany
- EXCILL4: Extremal Combinatorics at Illinois 2023, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
- Graph Limits, Nonparametric Models, and Estimation 2022, Simons Institute, Berkeley, United States
- 10th PhD Summer School in Discrete Mathematics 2022, Rogla, Slovenia
- Workshop: Graphs, Groups, Stochastic Processes, 2022, Budapest, Hungary
- Special session in memoriam of Robin Thomas, 11th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications 2021 (Eurocomb), Barcelona, Spain (on-line)
- CMI Workshop Recent Advances in Extremal Combinatorics 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Workshop on Structures celebrating Aleš Pultr birthday, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
- British Mathematical Colloquium 2018 (morning speaker), St Andrews, United Kingdom
- One-Day Meeting in Combinatorics, 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Graphs@IMPA Workshop Graphs and Randomness, 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Extremal Combinatorics, 2017, Warwick, United Kingdom
- ICALP Satellite Workshop on Algorithms and Structure for Sparse Graphs, 2017, Warsaw, Poland
- Algebraic, Topological and Complexity Aspects of Graph Covers (ATCAG'17), 2017, Durham, United Kingdom
- Newton Institute Satellite Workshop: Future Directions in Network Mathematics 2016, London, United Kingdom
- Workshop on Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics 2015, Birmingham, United Kingdom
- 2nd Czech Workshop on Complex Systems 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
- Graph theory and sparse structures, STRUCO meeting 2015, Paris, France
- Birmingham Young Mathematician Colloquium 2015, Birmingham, United Kingdom
- 17th International Workshop for Young Mathematicians "Discrete Mathematics", 2014, Krakow, Poland
- ICM2014 Satellite Conference on Extremal and Structural Graph Theory, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea
- CMI Workshop Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics 2014, Oxford, United Kingdom
- 15th Annual Winter Combinatorics Meeting 2014, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
- 23rd Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference (PCC'13), Royal Holloway, United Kingdom
- Contemporary trends in theoretical computer science (STTI'13), Prague, Czech Republic
- EXCILL2: Extremal Combinatorics at Illinois 2013, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
- Two One-Day Colloquia in Combinatorics 2012, Queen Mary, London, United Kingdom
- Workshop on Graph Homomorphisms 2011, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
- Young Workshop in Arithmetics and Combinatorics (ICMAT'11), Madrid, Spain
- Workshop on Graph Theory 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Seminar talks
- Combinatorics seminar, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States (February 2025)
- DIMAP Seminar, University of Warwick, United Kingdom (January 2025)
- Discrete Algorithm Insights Seminar at the Rhine-Main-Universities, Mainz, Germany (December 2024)
- Discrete Math Seminar, IBS, Daejeon, South Korea (August 2024)
- Research seminar in Discrete Mathematics, BIMSA, Beijing, China (May 2024, on-line)
- Combinatorics Seminar, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, United States (May 2024)
- Extremal Set Theory Seminar, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary (February 2024)
- BBC+G Seminar, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary (February 2024)
- Oberseminar Diskrete Optimierung, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany (December 2023)
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States (September 2023)
- Discrete Math Seminar, IBS, Daejeon, South Korea (August 2023)
- Combinatorics Today Series 2023 #3, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (April 2023)
- Seminar and PhD Seminar on Combinatorics, Games and Optimisation, LSE, London, United Kingdom (October 2022)
- DIMAP Seminar, University of Warwick, United Kingdom (October 2022)
- Discrete Seminar, Umeå University, Sweden (January 2022, on-line)
- Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics Webinar (December 2021, on-line)
- Combinatorics Seminar, TU Graz, Austria (November 2021, on-line)
- Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary (September 2021)
- SCMS Combinatorics Seminar, Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, Shanghai, China (April 2021, on-line)
- Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (April 2021, on-line)
- DIMAP Seminar, University of Warwick, United Kingdom (January 2020)
- Kraków Combinatorics Seminar, Krakow, Poland (October 2019)
- Combinatorics Seminar, Pilsen, Czech Republic (October 2019)
- Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (September 2019)
- DIMAP Seminar, University of Warwick, United Kingdom (February 2019)
- Monday Lecture, Graduiertenkolleg "Facets of Complexity/Facetten der Komplexität", TU Berlin, Germany (October 2018)
- Combinatorics Seminar, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States (April 2018)
- Noon Seminar, Department of Applied Mathematics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (March 2018)
- Algebra, Logic and Algorithms Seminar, University of Leeds, United Kingdom (November 2017)
- Research Seminar on Current Topics of Logic and Algorithmic Graph Theory, TU Berlin, Germany (September 2017)
- Computer Science Theory Seminar, NC State, Raleigh, NC, United States (August 2017)
- Combinatorics Seminar, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (June 2017)
- Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (May 2017)
- Combinatorics Seminar, Pilsen, Czech Republic (May 2017)
- UCL Statistical Science Seminar, UCL, London, United Kingdom (May 2017)
- Discrete Mathematics Research Group Seminar, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (April 2017)
- Discrete Mathematics and Optimization Seminar, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (April 2017)
- Mittagsseminar, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (March 2017)
- Algorithms and Complexity Theory Seminar, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (January 2017)
- Kolloquium Mathematische Informatik, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (November 2016)
- Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic (October 2016)
- Combinatorics Seminar, Pilsen, Czech Republic (September 2016)
- MC2 seminar, ENS Lyon, France (April 2016)
- TALGO seminar, ENS Paris, France (April 2016)
- Kutszem seminar, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary (January 2016)
- Algorithms and Complexity Seminar, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom (November 2015)
- Combinatorics Seminar, Stanford University, Stanford, United States (October 2015)
- Noon Seminar, Department of Applied Mathematics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (September 2015)
- Combinatorics Seminar, University of Bristol, United Kingdom (May 2015)
- ICERM Research Seminar, Brown, Providence, RI, United States (March 2015)
- Seminar on Formal Models, Discrete Structures, and Algorithms, Brno, Czech Republic (March 2015)
- MIT Combinatorics Seminar, MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States (February 2015)
- Seminar on Discrete and Applicable Mathematics, LSE London, United Kingdom (November 2014)
- Mathematics and its Applications Seminar, University of Sussex, United Kingdom (October 2014)
- Computing Seminar, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom (October 2014)
- Combinatorics Study Group, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom (October 2014)
- Theory of Computing and Artificial Intelligence Seminar, Middlesex University London, United Kingdom (May 2014)
- Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden (April 2014)
- Mittag-Leffler Institute, Djursholm, Sweden (February 2014)
- Combinatorial Theory Seminar, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (November 2013)
- Theory Seminar, School of Computing, SFU, Vancouver, BC, Canada (September 2013)
- Combinatorics Study Group, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom (May 2013)
- Combinatorics Seminar, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States (April 2013)
- Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (April 2013)
- Discrete Mathematics and Optimization Seminar, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (April 2013)
- Combinatorics Seminar, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (February 2013)
- Combinatorics Seminar, University of Warwick, United Kingdom (October 2012)
- Combinatorics Seminar, University of Warwick, United Kingdom (March 2012)
- Discrete Mathematics and Optimization Seminar, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (February 2012)
- DIMAP Seminar, University of Warwick, United Kingdom (November 2011)
- Seminaire MASCOTTE, Sophia-Antipolis, France (October 2011)
- Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (September 2011)
- Kosice Combinatorics Seminar, Kosice, Slovakia (May 2011)
- Distributed Algorithms and Graphs Seminar, LIAFA, Paris, France (March 2011)
- Seminaire CAESAR de combinatoire additive, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France (March 2011)
- Noon Seminar, Department of Applied Mathematics, Charles University, Prague (October 2010)
- Doyou Seminar on Graph Theory, Tokyo, Japan (April 2010)
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Columbia University, New York, United States (March 2010)
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States (March 2010)
- DIMAP Seminar, University of Warwick, United Kingdom (February 2010)
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea (January 2010)
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Simon-Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada (May 2009)
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Technical University Munich, Germany (March 2009)
- Seminar, Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique: Fondements et Applications (LIAFA), Universite Paris Diderot - Paris 7, Paris, France (December 2008)
- Noon Seminar, Department of Applied Mathematics, Charles University, Prague (October 2008)
- Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (April 2008)
- Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (March 2008)
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Princeton University, New Jersey, United States (February 2008)
- Methods for Discrete Structures Seminar, Technical University Berlin, Germany (June 2007)
- Combinatorics Seminar, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, United States (March 2007)
- Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (March 2007)
- Graph Theory and Combinatorics Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States (March 2006)
- Seminar on Graph Theory and Algorithms, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia (March 2005)
- Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (December 2004)
- series of 5 talks at National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (December 2004)
- Seminar on Combinatorics, Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany (November 2004)
- SIAM Student Chapter Seminar series, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States (October 2004)
- Combinatorial Mathematics Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (October 2004)
- Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (October 2004)
- Seminar on Graph Theory and Algorithms, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia (September 2004)
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Simon-Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada (May 2004)
- Combinatorial Mathematics Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (January 2004)
- Graph Theory Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States (January 2004)
- Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Simon-Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada (October 2002)
- Research Seminar of Department of Algebra, Technical University Dresden, Germany (February 2002)
Other talks at conferences and workshops
- Synergies of Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science, EPFL Bernoulli Center, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Netherlands Mathematical Congress 2024, Lunteren, Netherlands
- 1st Workshop on Twin-Width 2023, Aussois, France
- Oberwolfach workshop on Combinatorics 2023, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
- Dagstuhl Seminar Vertex Partitioning in Graphs: From Structure to Algorithms 2022,Dagstuhl, Germany
- 20th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms 2022 (RSA), Gniezno, Poland
- Dagstuhl Seminar Logic and Random Discrete Strutures 2022, Dagstuhl, Germany (on-line)
- Parametrized complexity and discrete optimization 2021, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics (HIM), Bonn, Germany (on-line)
- 75th anniversary CMS Summer Meeting 2021, Ottawa, ON, Canada (on-line)
- BIRS Workshop on Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics 2019, Banff, AB, Canada
- 19th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms 2019 (RSA), Zurich, Switzerland
- International Workshop on Graph Limits 2018, Lyon, France
- BIRS Workshop Geometric and Structural Graph Theory 2017, Banff, AB, Canada
- 26th British Combinatorial Conference 2017 (BCC), Glasgow, United Kingdom
- 6th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM) 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada
- 9th Workshop on the Matthews-Sumner Conjecture and Related Problems 2017, Pilsen, Czech Republic
- 2017 Barbados Graph Theory Workshop, Bellairs Research Institute of McGill University, Barbados
- Oberwolfach workshop on Combinatorics 2017, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
- BIRS Workshop New Trends in Graph Coloring 2016, Banff, AB, Canada
- 25th International Workshop Cycles and Colorings 2016 (C&C), Novy Smokovec, Slovakia
- SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2016, Atlanta, GA, United States
- 2016 Barbados Graph Theory Workshop, Bellairs Research Institute of McGill University, Barbados
- 8th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications 2015 (Eurocomb), Bergen, Norway
- Gimbel Fest 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
- 17th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms 2015 (RSA), Pittsburg, PA, United States
- Workshop "Coloring Graphs at the Technion" 2015, Technion, Haifa, Israel
- 25th British Combinatorial Conference 2015 (BCC), Warwick, United Kingdom
- 5th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM) 2015, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
- 8th Workshop on the Matthews-Sumner Conjecture and Related Problems 2015, Pilsen, Czech Republic
- 20th Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2014 (MCW), Prague, Czech Republic
- SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2014, Minneapolis, MN, United States
- 16th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms 2013 (RSA), Poznan, Poland
- 19th Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2013 (MCW), Prague, Czech Republic
- LMS-EPSRC Durham Symposium Graph Theory and Interactions 2013, Durham, United Kingdom
- 7th Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms and Applications 2013, Košice, Slovakia
- 24th British Combinatorial Conference 2013 (BCC), Royal Holloway, United Kingdom
- Bellairs Research Institute of McGill University 2013, Barbados
- Oberwolfach workshop on Graph Theory 2013, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
- 21st International Workshop Cycles and Colorings 2012 (C&C), Novy Smokovec, Slovakia
- Perspectives in Discrete Mathematics 2012, Barcelona, Spain
- SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2012, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Oberwolfach miniworkshop on Hypergraph Turan problems 2012, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
- Probabilistic methods in Graph Theory 2012, Birmingham, United Kingdom
- 5th Workshop on Graph Classes, Width Parameters and Optimization 2011 (GROW), Daejon, South Korea
- 20th International Workshop Cycles and Colorings 2011 (C&C), Novy Smokovec, Slovakia
- Danish Graph Theory Meeting 2011, Kolding, Denmark
- Oberwolfach workshop on Combinatorics 2011, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
- CIRM Workshop Graph Decomposition, Theory, Logics and Algorithms 2010, Marseille, France
- BIRS Workshop New trends on Structural Graph Theory 2010, Banff, AB, Canada
- Workshop on Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics 2010, Frauenchimsee, Germany
- Workshop "Coloring Graphs at the Technion" 2010, Technion, Haifa, Israel
- 37th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming 2010 (ICALP), Bordeaux, France
- SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2010, Austin, TX
- 45th International Czech and Slovak Conference Graphs 2010, Lednice, Czech Republic
- Oberwolfach workshop on Graph Theory 2010, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
- Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Graphs 2009, Bertinoro, Italy
- 4th Workshop on Graph Classes, Width Parameters and Optimization 2009 (GROW), Bergen, Norway
- 14th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms 2009 (RSA), Poznan, Poland
- 2nd Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM) 2009, Montreal, Quebec
- DIMACS Workshop on Graph Colouring and Structure 2009, Princeton, NJ, USA
- 3rd International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications 2009, Elgersburg, Germany
- 17th International Workshop Cycles and Colorings 2008 (C&C), Tatranska Strba, Slovakia
- 14th Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2008 (MCW), Prague, Czech Republic
- The Netherlands Workshop on Graphs and Matroids 2008, Sittard, Netherlands
- SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2008, Burlington, VT
- AMS Sectional Meeting 2008, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
- Graph Theory Workshop 2008, Heyda, Germany
- 2nd Workshop on Frequency Assignment Problems in Wireless Networks (WFAP) 2007, Sadek (Trebic), Czech Republic
- 4th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications 2007 (Eurocomb), Sevilla, Spain
- 16th International Workshop Cycles and Colorings 2007 (C&C), Tatranska Strba, Slovakia
- 13th Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2007 (MCW), Prague, Czech Republic
- 6th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory 2007, Bled, Slovenia
- Contemporary Trends in Computer Science 2007 (STTI), Prague, Czech Republic
- 1st Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM) 2007, Banff, Alberta
- Oberwolfach workshop on Graph Theory 2007, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
- 24th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2007, Aachen, Germany
- 25th Kolloquium uber Kombinatorik 2006, Magdeburg, Germany
- 5th Cracow Conference on Graph Theory 2006, Ustron, Poland
- 15th International Workshop Cycles and Colorings 2006 (C&C), Tatranska Strba, Slovakia
- International Congress of Mathematicians 2006, Madrid, Spain
- 6th Czech and Slovak International Symposium on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms and Application 2006, Prague, Czech Republic
- SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2006, Victoria, BC
- SFU Discrete Math Day @ IRMACS 2006, Vancouver, BC
- 10th Conference of Czech Mathematicians 2006, Jevicko, Czech Republic
- Combinatorics 2006, a meeting in celebration of Pavol Hell's 60th birthday, Victoria, BC
- DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Workshop "Combinatorial Challenges" 2006, Rutgers University, New Jersey, US
- First joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Taiwanese Mathematical Society 2005, Taichung, Taiwan
- DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Workshop on Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Combinatorics 2005, Rutgers University, New Jersey, US
- 2nd Workshop on Graph Classes, Width Parameters and Optimization 2005 (GROW), Prague, Czech Republic
- 11th Workshop on Graph Theory "Colourings, Independence and Domination" 2005 (CID), Karpacz, Poland
- 7th International Colloquium on Graph Theory 2005 (ICGT), Hyeres, France
- 3rd European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications 2005 (Eurocomb), Berlin, Germany
- 30th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations in Computer Science 2005 (MFCS), Gdansk, Poland
- 12th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms 2005 (RSA), Poznan, Poland
- 12th Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2005 (MCW), Prague, Czech Republic
- 31th International Workshop on Graph Theoretical Concepts in Computer Science 2005 (WG), Metz, France
- 40th International Czech and Slovak Conference Graphs 2005, Budmerice, Slovakia
- 1st Czech-Catalan Conference in Mathematics 2005, Prague, Czech Republic
- Contemporary Trends in Computer Science 2005 (STTI), Prague, Czech Republic
- DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Working Group on Graph Colorings and their Generalizations 2005, Budapest, Hungary
- 3rd COMBSTRU Workshop 2005, Oxford, UK
- 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 2005 (SODA), Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Kolloquium uber Kombinatorik 2004, Magdeburg, Germany
- DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Working Group on Extremal Combinatorics II 2004, Rutgers University, New Jersey, US
- 2nd COMBSTRU Workshop 2004, Venice, Italy
- 13th International Workshop Cycles and Colorings 2004 (C&C), Tatranska Strba, Slovakia
- EMS mathematical weekend 2004, Prague, Czech Republic
- 29th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations in Computer Science 2004 (MFCS), Prague, Czech Republic
- DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Working Group on Graph Colorings and their Generalizations 2004, Prague, Czech Republic
- 11th Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2004 (MCW), Prague, Czech Republic
- SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2004, Nashville, Tenessee, US
- 39th International Czech and Slovak Conference Graphs 2004, Vysne Ruzbachy, Slovakia
- DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Workshop on Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Combinatorics 2004, Budapest, Hungary
- Dagstuhl Seminar Complexity of Boolean functions 2004, Dagstuhl, Germany
- 15th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 2004 (SODA), New Orleans, Louisiana, US
- DIMACS/DIMATIA/Renyi Working Group on Graph Colorings and their Generalizations 2003, Rutgers University, New Jersey, US
- 2nd European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications 2003 (Eurocomb), Prague, Czech Republic
- 12th International Workshop Cycles and Colorings 2003 (C&C), Stara Lesna, Slovakia
- Dagstuhl Seminar Graph Colorings 2003, Dagstuhl, Germany
- 10th Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2003 (MCW), Prague, Czech Republic
- 38th International Czech and Slovak Conference Graphs 2003, Javorna, Czech Republic
- Contemporary Trends in Computer Science 2003 (STTI), Prague, Czech Republic
- 8th International Dresden Workshop on Graph Theory 2003, Dresden, Germany
- 8th DIMATIA Graph Theory Day 2003, Prague, Czech Republic
- 11th International Workshop Cycles and Colorings 2002 (C&C), Stara Lesna, Slovakia
- 27th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations in Computer Science 2002 (MFCS), Warsaw - Otwock, Poland
- 9th Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2002 (MCW), Prague, Czech Republic
- Dagstuhl Seminar Combinatorial and Algorithmic Game Theory 2002, Dagstuhl, Germany
- 28th International Workshop on Graph Theoretical Concepts in Computer Science 2002 (WG), Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
- 37th International Czech and Slovak Conference Graphs 2002, Rejviz, Czech Republic
- 7th International Dresden Workshop on Graph Theory 2002, Dresden, Germany
- 6th International Dresden Workshop on Graph Theory 2001, Dresden, Germany
- 10th International Conference on Graph Drawing 2001 (GD), Vienna, Austria
- 10th International Workshop Cycles and Colorings 2001 (C&C), Stara Lesna, Slovakia
- 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations in Computer Science 2001 (MFCS), Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic
- 1st International Workshop on Efficient Algorithms 2001 (WEA), Riga, Latvia
- 8th Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2001 (MCW), Prague, Czech Republic
- DIMACS Connect Institute 2001, Rutgers University, New Jersey, US
- 5th International Dresden Workshop on Graph Theory 2001, Dresden, Germany
- 4th DIMATIA Graph Theory Day 2001, Prague, Czech Republic
- 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations in Computer Science 2000 (MFCS), Bratislava, Slovakia
- 7th Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2000 (MCW), Prague, Czech Republic