Current PhD students
- Daniel Iľkovič
second year PhD student at Masaryk University in Brno
co-advised with Richard Montgomery (University of Warwick)
- Kristýna Pekárková
fourth year PhD student at Masaryk University in Brno
defense of PhD thesis expected in May 2025
- Xichao Shu
third year PhD student at Masaryk University in Brno
Former PhD students
- Jacob W. Cooper
PhD thesis on extremal combinatorics and combinatorial algorithms defended in October 2022 at Masaryk University
- Timothy F. N. Chan
PhD thesis on extremal combinatorics (jointly advised with David Wood) defended in May 2021 at Monash University and University of Warwick
- Yanitsa Pehova
PhD thesis on packings and tilings in graphs defended in Dec 2020 at the University of Warwick
- Taísa Lopes Martins
PhD thesis on graph limits defended in Sep 2018 at the University of Warwick
2019 Faculty of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Thesis Prize in Mathematics, University of Warwick
- Tereza Klimošová
PhD thesis on permutation and graph limits defended in Dec 2015 at University of Warwick
- Lukáš Mach
PhD thesis on fixed parameter algorithms defended in Jul 2015 at University of Warwick
- Jan Volec
PhD thesis on graph limits and flag algebras (jointly advised with Jean-Sébastien Sereni) defended in Dec 2014 at University of Warwick and Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
2015 Faculty of Science Doctoral Thesis Award in Mathematics, University of Warwick
- Jan Hladký
PhD thesis on embeddings trees in graphs defended in Apr 2013 at Charles University in Prague
- Pavel Nejedlý
PhD thesis on graph colorings defended in Dec 2008 at Charles University in Prague
BSc, MSc and MPhil students
- Filip Kučerák (BSc 2024, Masaryk University), Dean's Award for Outstanding BSc Thesis
- Daniel Iľkovič (MSc 2022, Masaryk University), Dean's Award for Outstanding MSc Thesis
- Kristýna Pekárková (MSc 2021, Masaryk University), Dean's Award for Outstanding MSc Thesis
- Martin Kurečka (BSc 2021, Masaryk University), Dean's Award for Outstanding BSc Thesis
- James Davies (MSc 2019, University of Warwick)
- Jacob W. Cooper (MSc 2018, University of Warwick)
- Jakub Sosnovec (MSc with Distinction, 2018, University of Warwick)
- Jordan Venters (MPhil 2017, University of Warwick)
- Michael A. Hebdige (MSc with Distinction, 2017, University of Warwick)
- Lukáš Mach (MSc 2011, Charles University)
- Jan Volec (BSc 2010, MSc 2011, Charles University)
- Tereza Klimošová (BSc 2009, Charles University)
- Jan Hladký (MSc 2008, Charles University)
- Jan Bulánek (BSc 2008, Charles University)
- Petr Škoda (BSc 2007, MSc 2009, Charles University)
- Pavel Nejedlý (MSc 2005, Charles University)
Supervised undergraduate research projects (selected)
- Daniel Iľkovič: Quasirandomness of tournaments via 12-cycles (awarded the first prize in the Section Mathematical structures at SVOČ competition, Liberec, 2023)
- Martin Kurečka: Quasirandomness of permutations (awarded the first prize in the Section Mathematical structures at SVOČ competition, Bratislava, 2022)
- Michael A. Hebdige: The discharging method in graph theory (awarded Department of Computer Science Third-Year Project Prize, University of Warwick, 2015)
- Alexander Wendland: Colouring of plane graphs with unique maximal colours on faces, project supervised as a part of the Undergraduate Research Support Scheme of the University of Warwick, 2014
- Petr Škoda: Algorithmic results on submodular partition functions (awarded the first prize in the Section Theoretical Computer Science at SVOČ competition, Košice, 2009)
- Petr Škoda: Bounds for the real number graph labellings and application to labellings of the triangular lattice (awarded the second prize in the Section Mathematical structures at SVOČ competition, Olomouc, 2007)
- Peter Bella and Katarina Quittnerová: L(2,1)-labeling of planar graphs with maximum degree six (awarded the first prize in the Section Mathematical structures at SVOČ competition, Nečtiny, 2005)
- Pavel Nejedlý: Choosability of graphs with infinite sets of forbidden differences (awarded the first prize in the Section Mathematical structures at SVOČ competition, Brno, 2004)
- Jan Kára: An upper bound on the size of free binary decision diagrams for computation of EARn (awarded the first prize in the Section Theoretical computer science at SVOČ competition, Prague, 2002)
SVOČ is a competition of bachelor and master students of Czech and Slovak universities in mathematics and computer science.