What can be configured

There are two different levels of configuring program based on the libucw libraries:

  • runtime configuration in configuration files (see [config])

  • compile-time configuration of the libraries: config switches set before compiling, selecting optional features.

Where to build

If you run configure in the source directory, it prepares for compilation inside the source tree. In this case, an obj subdirectory is created to hold all generated files (object files, binaries, generated source files etc.) and all final files are linked to the run subdirectory. No other parts of the source tree are written into.

Alternatively, you can compile in a separate object tree (which is useful when you want to build several different configurations from a single source tree). In order to do that, switch to the destination directory and issue <source-dir>/configure .... This way, configure will create the obj and run directories locally and set up a Makefile which refers to the original source tree.

How to configure

To set up compilation, possibly overriding default compile-time options, just run:

./configure [<option> | -<option> | <option>=<value> ...]

The default values of feature options are taken from default.cfg. Compiler flags and options dependent on compiler, OS and CPU type are set in ucw/perl/UCW/Configure/C.pm. Everything can be overriden by options specified on the configure’s command line, which have the highest priority.

If you want to see the resulting set of options, take a look at obj/config.mk.

Options specifying compiler/linker/debugger options can be also overriden during compilation by make <option>=<value>. While it’s also possible to specify the other options in this way, it probably won’t have the desired effect, because configure also generates C include files containing the options.

Installation options

By default, the package is compiled to be installed and it chooses a place where it will install. If you want to place it somewhere else, set the PREFIX option:

./configure PREFIX=/where/to/install

You can create a local compilation, which does not need to be installed. To compile it that way, turn on the CONFIG_LOCAL option (and do not set PREFIX):

./configure CONFIG_LOCAL

Alternatively you can add the CONFIG_RELATIVE_PATHS option. All paths are then set relative to a run directory and programs expect to have current working directory set to it. However, you can move the run directory around your filesystem as you like:



  • ./configure -CONFIG_SHARED will build the libraries statically.

  • ./configure -CONFIG_XML avoids building the XML library.

  • ./configure -CONFIG_UCW_UTILS compiles only the libraries without its utility programs.

  • ./configure CONFIG_IMAGES PREFIX=$HOME/libucw includes an image library and installs into your home directory.