Linux-expert: full-text search engine Sherlock Holmes capable of indexing
110M of documents ; Apache modules and high-performance server applications
(authentication system, advertisement server, and free web server); Partition
Surprise - a GPL clone of Partition Magic;
MS Windows: user/developer capabilities (factor analysis of on-line
downloaded data, speculation automaton; Win32 application, ActiveX objects)
ScummVM: multi-platform meta-engine for adventure game, reimplemented
Dragon History in it
C/C++, Python/SWIG, Perl and many more languages
SQL databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
plain TeX, LaTeX, METAFONT, MetaPost
Mathematica, Matlab
undisclosed: software engineer at a hedge fund from August 2016.
Google: software engineer at the headquarters in Moutain View
as of October 2007, senior position as of October 2009, staff position as of
December 2011, and senior staff position from November 2015 to July 2016.
CWI: PhD student of quantum computing from 2002 to 2006.
NetCentrum, Internet portal system programmer of Apache
modules and advertisement systems from 1998 to 2002. Also, since 2000,
external contractor of a search engine.
SuSE CZ: developer of a filesystem resizer tool in 1999.
Softec: Win32 and ActiveX programmer of statistical analysis tools and
speculation automaton from 1996 to 1997.
NoSense: game programmer of Dragons History and Catapult,
distributed by Vochozka trading and Space Interactive, from 1994 to 1996.