Binary heap is a simple data structure, which for example supports efficient insertions, deletions and access to the minimal inserted item. We define several macros for such operations. Note that because of simplicity of heaps, we have decided to define direct macros instead of a macro generator as for several other data structures in the Libucw.
A heap is represented by a number of elements and by an array of values. Beware that we index this array from one, not from zero as do the standard C arrays.
Most macros use these parameters:
type - the type of elements
num - a variable (signed or unsigned integer) with the number of elements
heap - a C array of type type; the heap is stored in
heap[1] .. heap[num]
is unused -
less - a callback to compare two element values;
less(x, y)
shall return a non-zero value iff x is lower than y -
swap - a callback to swap two array elements;
swap(heap, i, j, t)
must swapheap[i]
with possible help of temporary variable t (type type).
A valid heap must follow these rules:
num >= 0
heap[i] >= heap[i / 2]
for eachi
in[2, num]
The first element heap[1]
is always lower or equal to all other elements.
Position tracking
As a heap does not support efficient lookup of an element by value, all functions acting on existing heap elements need to obtain the position of the element in the heap. This position has to be tracked by the caller, usually in the supplied swap callback.
However, there are some caveats noted in the descriptions of individual functions.
#define HEAP_INIT(type,heap,num,less,swap) \
do { \
uint _i = num; \
uint _j, _l; \
type x; \
while (_i >= 1) \
{ \
_j = _i; \
HEAP_BUBBLE_DOWN_J(heap,num,less,swap) \
_i--; \
} \
} while(0)
Shuffle the items heap[1]
, …, heap[num]
to get a valid heap.
This operation takes linear time.
Position tracking: Position of heap[i]
must be initialized to i
before calling.
#define HEAP_DELETE_MIN(type,heap,num,less,swap) \
do { \
uint _j, _l; \
type x; \
swap(heap,1,num,x); \
num--; \
_j = 1; \
HEAP_BUBBLE_DOWN_J(heap,num,less,swap); \
} while(0)
Delete the minimum element heap[1]
in O(log(n))
time. The num variable is decremented.
The removed value is moved just after the resulting heap (heap[num + 1]
Position tracking: Fully automatic.
#define HEAP_INSERT(type,heap,num,less,swap,elt) \
do { \
uint _j, _u; \
type x; \
heap[++num] = elt; \
_j = num; \
HEAP_BUBBLE_UP_J(heap,num,less,swap); \
} while(0)
Insert a new element elt to the heap. The num variable is incremented.
This operation takes O(log(n))
Position tracking: The position of the new element must be initialized to num+1 before calling this macro.
#define HEAP_INCREASE(type,heap,num,less,swap,pos,elt) \
do { \
uint _j, _l; \
type x; \
heap[pos] = elt; \
_j = pos; \
HEAP_BUBBLE_DOWN_J(heap,num,less,swap); \
} while(0)
Increase heap[pos]
to a new value elt (greater or equal to the previous value).
The time complexity is O(log(n))
Position tracking: Fully automatic.
#define HEAP_DECREASE(type,heap,num,less,swap,pos,elt) \
do { \
uint _j, _u; \
type x; \
heap[pos] = elt; \
_j = pos; \
HEAP_BUBBLE_UP_J(heap,num,less,swap); \
} while(0)
Decrease heap[pos]
to a new value elt (less or equal to the previous value).
The time complexity is O(log(n))
Position tracking: Fully automatic.
#define HEAP_REPLACE(type,heap,num,less,swap,pos,elt) \
do { \
type _elt = elt; \
if (less(heap[pos], _elt)) \
HEAP_INCREASE(type,heap,num,less,swap,pos,_elt); \
else \
HEAP_DECREASE(type,heap,num,less,swap,pos,_elt); \
} while(0)
Change heap[pos]
to a new value elt. The time complexity is O(log(n))
If you know that the new value is always smaller or always greater, it is faster
Position tracking: Fully automatic.
#define HEAP_REPLACE_MIN(type,heap,num,less,swap,elt) \
Replace the minimum heap[pos]
by a new value elt. The time complexity is O(log(n))
Position tracking: Fully automatic.
#define HEAP_DELETE(type,heap,num,less,swap,pos) \
do { \
uint _j, _l, _u; \
type x; \
_j = pos; \
swap(heap,_j,num,x); \
num--; \
if (less(heap[_j], heap[num+1])) \
HEAP_BUBBLE_UP_J(heap,num,less,swap) \
else \
HEAP_BUBBLE_DOWN_J(heap,num,less,swap); \
} while(0)
Delete an arbitrary element, given by its position. The num variable is decremented.
The operation takes O(log(n))
Position tracking: Fully automatic.
#define HEAP_SWAP(heap,a,b,t) (t=heap[a], heap[a]=heap[b], heap[b]=t)
Default swapping macro.
static uint n;
static int heap[4];
// Create an empty heap
n = 0;
#define MY_CMP(x, y) ((x) < (y))
// Insert 20, 10, 30
HEAP_INSERT(int, heap, n, MY_CMP, HEAP_SWAP, 20);
HEAP_INSERT(int, heap, n, MY_CMP, HEAP_SWAP, 10);
HEAP_INSERT(int, heap, n, MY_CMP, HEAP_SWAP, 30);
// Remove the minimum (10)
// Print the new minimum (20)
printf("%d", heap[1]);
// Increase the minimum to 40
HEAP_INCREASE(int, heap, n, MY_CMP, HEAP_SWAP, 1, 40);
// Print the new minimum (30)
printf("%d", heap[1]);