To parse a document, create a parser context (struct xml_context), initialize it with xml_init(), fill in requested parsing mode, pointers to hooks, and other parameters. Then call xml_parse() or xml_next() as you need. At the end, dispose of the context by xml_cleanup() or recycle it by xml_reset().
enum xml_error {
XML_ERR_WARN = 1000, /* Warning */
XML_ERR_ERROR = 2000, /* Recoverable error */
XML_ERR_FATAL = 3000, /* Unrecoverable error */
Error code reported by the parser. So far, only the basic error classes are recognized.
enum xml_state {
XML_STATE_EOF, /* EOF or a fatal error */
XML_STATE_START, /* Initial state */
/* Internal states */
Parser state. A pull parser returns one of these to indicate the type of the current node.
enum xml_pull {
XML_PULL_XML_DECL = 0x00000001, /* Stop after the XML declaration */
XML_PULL_DOCTYPE_DECL = 0x00000002, /* Stop in the doctype declaration (before optional internal subset) */
XML_PULL_CHARS = 0x00000004,
XML_PULL_STAG = 0x00000008,
XML_PULL_ETAG = 0x00000010,
XML_PULL_COMMENT = 0x00000020,
XML_PULL_PI = 0x00000040,
XML_PULL_ALL = 0xffffffff,
Pull requests: a bit mask of node types you want to return. The other nodes are silently skipped.
enum xml_flags {
/* Enable reporting of various events via SAX and/or PULL interface */
XML_REPORT_COMMENTS = 0x00000001, /* Report comments */
XML_REPORT_PIS = 0x00000002, /* Report processing instructions */
XML_REPORT_CHARS = 0x00000004, /* Report characters */
XML_REPORT_TAGS = 0x00000008, /* Report element starts/ends */
/* Enable construction of DOM for these types */
XML_ALLOC_COMMENTS = 0x00000010, /* Create comment nodes */
XML_ALLOC_PIS = 0x00000020, /* Create processing instruction nodes */
XML_ALLOC_CHARS = 0x00000040, /* Create character nodes */
XML_ALLOC_TAGS = 0x00000080, /* Create element nodes */
/* Other parameters */
XML_VALIDATING = 0x00000100, /* Validate everything (not fully implemented!) */
XML_PARSE_DTD = 0x00000200, /* Enable parsing of DTD */
XML_NO_CHARS = 0x00000400, /* The current element must not contain character data (filled automaticaly if using DTD) */
XML_ALLOC_DEFAULT_ATTRS = 0x00000800, /* Allocate default attribute values so they can be found by XML_ATTR_FOR_EACH */
XML_NAMESPACES = 0x00001000, /* Parse namespaces, use xml_ns_enable() to set this */
/* Internals, do not change! */
XML_EMPTY_ELEM_TAG = 0x00010000, /* The current element match EmptyElemTag */
XML_VERSION_1_1 = 0x00020000, /* XML version is 1.1, otherwise 1.0 */
XML_HAS_EXTERNAL_SUBSET = 0x00040000, /* The document contains a reference to external DTD subset */
XML_HAS_INTERNAL_SUBSET = 0x00080000, /* The document contains an internal subset */
XML_SRC_EOF = 0x00100000, /* EOF reached */
XML_SRC_EXPECTED_DECL = 0x00200000, /* Just before optional or required XMLDecl/TextDecl */
XML_SRC_DOCUMENT = 0x00400000, /* The document entity */
XML_SRC_EXTERNAL = 0x00800000, /* An external entity */
Parser mode flags.
Internal representation of DOM
All DOM nodes are allocated within temporary memory pools and they are not guaranteed to survive when the parser leaves the element. Upon xml_cleanup(), all remaining nodes are always freed.
enum xml_node_type {
XML_NODE_ELEM, /* Element */
XML_NODE_COMMENT, /* Comment */
XML_NODE_CHARS, /* Character data */
XML_NODE_PI, /* Processing instruction */
Node types
#define XML_NODE_FOR_EACH(var, node) CLIST_FOR_EACH(struct xml_node *, var, (node)->sons)
Iterate over all children of a node.
#define XML_ATTR_FOR_EACH(var, node) SLIST_FOR_EACH(struct xml_attr *, var, (node)->attrs)
Iterate over all attributes of a node.
struct xml_node {
cnode n; /* Node for list of parent's sons */
uint type; /* XML_NODE_x */
struct xml_node *parent; /* Parent node */
* If namespaces are enabled, node->name points to the local part of the name
* and node->ns is the resolved namespace ID.
* However, the namespace prefix is kept in memory just before the local part,
* so you can use xml_node_qname() to find out the full qualified name.
* The same applies to attributes, but the function is xml_attr_qname().
char *name; /* Element name / PI target */
clist sons; /* Children nodes */
union {
struct {
char *text; /* PI text / Comment / CDATA */
uint len; /* Text length in bytes */
struct {
uint ns; /* Namespace ID */
struct xml_dtd_elem *dtd; /* Element DTD */
slist attrs; /* Link list of element attributes */
void *user; /* User-defined (initialized to NULL) */
A single DOM node.
struct xml_attr {
snode n; /* Node for elem->attrs */
uint hash; /* Internal hash of ns + name */
struct xml_node *elem; /* Parent element */
struct xml_dtd_attr *dtd; /* Attribute DTD */
uint ns; /* Namespace ID */
char *name; /* Attribute name without NS prefix */
char *val; /* Attribute value */
void *user; /* User-defined (initialized to NULL) */
A single attribute.
char *xml_node_qname(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_node *node);
Finds a qualified name (including namespace prefix) of a given element node.
char *xml_attr_qname(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_attr *node);
Finds a qualified name (including namespace prefix) of a given attribute.
struct xml_attr *xml_attr_find(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_node *node, char *name);
Finds a given attribute value in a XML_NODE_ELEM
struct xml_attr *xml_attr_find_ns(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_node *node, uint ns, char *name);
The same, but namespace-aware
char *xml_attr_value(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_node *node, char *name);
Similar to xml_attr_find, but it deals also with default values
char *xml_attr_value_ns(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_node *node, uint ns, char *name);
The same, but namespace-aware
uint xml_normalize_white(struct xml_context *ctx, char *value);
Remove leading/trailing spaces and replaces sequences of spaces to a single space character (non-CDATA attribute normalization)
char *xml_merge_chars(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_node *node, struct mempool *pool);
Merge character contents of a given element to a single string (not recursive)
char *xml_merge_dom_chars(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_node *node, struct mempool *pool);
Merge character contents of a given subtree to a single string
Parser context
struct xml_context {
/* Error handling */
char *err_msg; /* Last error message */
enum xml_error err_code; /* Last error code */
void *throw_buf; /* Where to jump on error */
void (*h_warn)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Warning callback */
void (*h_error)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Recoverable error callback */
void (*h_fatal)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Unrecoverable error callback */
/* Memory management (private) */
struct mempool *pool; /* DOM pool */
struct mempool *stack; /* Stack pool (freed as soon as possible) */
struct xml_stack *stack_list; /* See xml_push(), xml_pop() */
uint flags; /* XML_FLAG_x (restored on xml_pop()) */
uint depth; /* Nesting level (for checking of valid source nesting -> valid pushes/pops on memory pools) */
struct fastbuf chars; /* Character data / attribute value */
struct mempool_state chars_state; /* Mempool state before the current character block has started */
char *chars_trivial; /* If not empty, it will be appended to chars */
/* Input (private) */
struct xml_source *src; /* Current source */
u32 *bptr, *bstop; /* Buffer with preprocessed characters (validated UCS-4 + category flags) */
uint cat_chars; /* Unicode range of supported characters (cdata, attribute values, \...) */
uint cat_unrestricted; /* Unrestricted characters (may appear in document/external entities) */
uint cat_new_line; /* New line characters */
uint cat_name; /* Characters that may appear in names */
uint cat_sname; /* Characters that may begin a name */
/* SAX-like interface */
void (*h_document_start)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called before entering prolog */
void (*h_document_end)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called after leaving epilog */
void (*h_xml_decl)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called after the XML declaration */
void (*h_doctype_decl)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called in the doctype declaration (before optional internal subset) */
void (*h_comment)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called after a comment (only with XML_REPORT_COMMENTS) */
void (*h_pi)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called after a processing instruction (only with XML_REPORT_PIS) */
void (*h_stag)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called after STag or EmptyElemTag (only with XML_REPORT_TAGS) */
void (*h_etag)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called before ETag or after EmptyElemTag (only with XML_REPORT_TAGS) */
void (*h_chars)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called after some characters (only with XML_REPORT_CHARS) */
void (*h_block)(struct xml_context *ctx, char *text, uint len); /* Called for each continuous block of characters not reported by h_cdata() (only with XML_REPORT_CHARS) */
void (*h_cdata)(struct xml_context *ctx, char *text, uint len); /* Called for each CDATA section (only with XML_REPORT_CHARS) */
void (*h_ignorable)(struct xml_context *ctx, char *text, uint len); /* Called for ignorable whitespace (content in tags without #PCDATA) */
void (*h_dtd_start)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called just after the DTD structure is initialized */
void (*h_dtd_end)(struct xml_context *ctx); /* Called after DTD subsets subsets */
struct xml_dtd_entity *(*h_find_entity)(struct xml_context *ctx, char *name); /* Called when needed to resolve a general entity */
void (*h_resolve_entity)(struct xml_context *ctx, struct xml_dtd_entity *ent); /* User should push source fastbuf for a parsed external entity (either general or parameter) */
/* DOM */
struct xml_node *dom; /* DOM root */
struct xml_node *node; /* Current DOM node */
/* Namespaces (private) */
struct mempool *ns_pool; /* Memory pool for NS definitions */
const char **ns_by_id; /* A growing array translating NS IDs to their names */
void *ns_by_name; /* Hash table translating NS names to their IDs */
void *ns_by_prefix; /* Hash table translating current prefixes to NS IDs, allocated from xml->stack */
struct xml_ns_prefix *ns_prefix_stack; /* A stack of prefix definitions, allocated from xml->stack */
uint ns_default; /* Current default namespace */
/* Other stuff */
char *version_str;
uint standalone;
char *doctype; /* The document type (or NULL if unknown) */
char *system_id; /* DTD external id */
char *public_id; /* DTD public id */
struct xml_dtd *dtd; /* The DTD structure (or NULL) */
uint state; /* Current state for the PULL interface (XML_STATE_x) */
uint pull; /* Parameters for the PULL interface (XML_PULL_x) */
The state of the parser is kept in this structure. There are some user-accessible parts (like pointers to various hooks), but the majority of fields is private.
void xml_init(struct xml_context *ctx);
Initialize XML context
void xml_cleanup(struct xml_context *ctx);
Clean up all internal structures
void xml_reset(struct xml_context *ctx);
Reuse XML context, equivalent to xml_cleanup() and xml_init(), but faster
struct xml_source *xml_push_fastbuf(struct xml_context *ctx, struct fastbuf *fb);
Add XML source (fastbuf will be automatically closed)
uint xml_parse(struct xml_context *ctx);
Parse the whole document without the PULL interface, return XML_ERR_x
code (zero on success)
uint xml_next(struct xml_context *ctx);
Parse with the PULL interface, return XML_STATE_x
(zero on EOF or fatal error)
uint xml_next_state(struct xml_context *ctx, uint pull);
Equivalent to xml_next, but with temporarily changed ctx→pull value
uint xml_skip_element(struct xml_context *ctx);
May be called on XML_STATE_STAG to skip its content; can return XML_STATE_ETAG
on fatal error
uint xml_row(struct xml_context *ctx);
Returns the current row (line) number in the document entity
void xml_warn(struct xml_context *ctx, const char *format, ...);
Throw a warning at the current node
void xml_error(struct xml_context *ctx, const char *format, ...);
Throw an error at the current node
void NONRET xml_fatal(struct xml_context *ctx, const char *format, ...);
Throw a fatal error, aborting parsing. This can be called only from SAX hooks (and from parser internals).
When namespace-aware parsing is requested by calling xml_ns_enable(), all namespaces are collected and assigned integer identifiers. Names of elements and attributes then always contain a namespace ID and a local name within the namespace. An ID of zero corresponds to an unspecified namespace.
Once an ID is assigned, it is never changed, even if the namespace goes out of scope temporarily.
void xml_ns_enable(struct xml_context *ctx);
Request processing of namespaces (must be called before the first node is parsed).
const char *xml_ns_by_id(struct xml_context *ctx, uint ns);
Looks up namespace by its ID, dies on an invalid ID. Returns a pointer which remains valid until the context is cleaned up or reset.
uint xml_ns_by_name(struct xml_context *ctx, const char *name);
Looks up namespace by its name and returns its ID. Assigns a new ID if necessary. When this function returns, name is not referenced any more.
enum xml_ns_id {
XML_NS_NONE = 0, /* This element has no namespace */
XML_NS_XMLNS = 1, /* xmlns: */
XML_NS_XML = 2, /* xml: */
Well-known namespaces.